‘So, you’ve got a rendez-vous!’ my friends grinned at me.
‘Oh no, I didn’t mean ‘rendez-vous’ as in a ‘date.’ I meant it as an ‘appointment,’ I clarified. D... Read more...
Lucie, a.k.a. “The Bride to Be”, discusses what it feels like to be getting married but deciding to remain child-free, despite societal pressures and expectations. ... Read more...
In the era when online dating is an inevitable option for singles and platforms such as Tinder actually set now-married couples up, it is increasingly easy to believe that true love is just another swipe away. And it might be. But it’s not always prince charming that we meet.
In today’s article, Zsofi Borsi asks the grand questions: do you really need to “wait it out”, until a relationship becomes “objectively” bad? What could be the early symptoms of the fact that you’re thinking of leaving? ... Read more...
Lazy Gréti gives us at least 5 good reasons to sink into a book, and ditch today's obsession with the glamorised notion of 'hustle culture'. ... Read more...
In a world that's obsessed with couples, being single takes courage. Gaby Ravet shares what she learned from being single for a year and introduces us to her Seven Self-Empowering Commandments. ... Read more...